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Hydraulic Cylinders — Standard Cylinders

Everyone who has heard of Hänchen is aware that its worldwide reputation is based on hydraulic cylinder solutions that are anything but standardized. The standardization actually deals with nothing more than basic dimensions and connections, mounting, parts, etc. Indeed for the common solution, a standard cylinder will often do the job without any problems. In many demanding applications it is possible to use a standard Hänchen cylinder due to the high quality levels they attain. In principle, they make exclusive use of honed cylinder tubes for all their cylinders. Hänchen also guarantees that all the cylinders in its product range, as well as normalized cylinders, comply with the most exacting of geometrical accuracies. Hans Holland Hydraulik offers a standard range with particularly cost-effective solutions. Whether you require newly-manufactured components or the additional machining of existing items, you can be sure their production facilities will meet your individual needs. Hans Holland Hydraulik also offers you preservation and color treatments. Also short delivery times, even of large batches of items, are no problem. Their standard cylinders often require only simple modifications to fulfill a wide range of applications, without the greater expense of full customization.

Hänchen is a supplier and hydraulic cylinder manufacturer for various applications including construction, mechanical, technological, and industrial.

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